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DRAFT - December 10, 2009
Neighborhood Improvement Advisory Council
City of Salem
Draft Meeting Minutes
Thursday, December 10, 2009
7:00 pm

Members in attendance: Jim Moskovis (Chair), RoseMary O’Connor, Jim Rose, Jeff Cox, Lucy Corchado, Michael Coleman, Leslie Limon

Members not in attendance: Patricia Zaido, Ana Gordon

City staff in attendance: Jason Silva, Chief Administrative Aide to the Mayor

NIAC members introduced themselves and which neighborhood group they represent.

Review and Approval of Meeting Minutes (November 2009)
The board reviewed draft minutes from the November 11 meeting and discussed corrections. November minutes were approved with corrections. Ana will correct the minutes and email them to Jason for public posting, and to NIAC members for distribution to their neighborhood email lists.

Public Comment Period
There was no public comment.  

Jeff Cox took this opportunity to discuss the issue of double telephone poles in the City.  He stated that in his neighborhood the problem had proliferated recently.  Others commented that this is a problem throughout the City and one that had been discussed at prior meetings.  

Jason explained that double poles are supposed to be removed in 90 days however there is no mechanism to enforce this regulation with the utility companies.  There is legislation pending that would allow communities to fine the appropriate utility company for failing to comply with this regulation.

Traffic/Anti-Speeding Campaign
Jason reported that the Mayor’s Office and the Police Department are endeavoring to initiate a city-wide anti-speeding campaign.  The campaign will attempt to combine enhanced police traffic enforcement with a public education and awareness campaign aimed at reducing speeding and cut through traffic.  In addition to saturated traffic patrols, the City is also planning to install approximately 8 variable radar speed limit signs throughout the City to curb speeding and organize a public awareness campaign on the issue.  He distributed a rough draft of a flyer that, once finalized will be literature used to promote the program.  

On traffic, Lucy Corchado suggested that Congress Street and Fort Avenue nearby the power plant be considered for a speed limit radar sign.  Leslie Limon suggested that Dearborn Street have one.  Jason stated that all locations have been recommended by the Salem Police Department.

Jim Moskovis noted that the intersection of Boston, Mason and Nichols Streets can be tricky and is reviewing it with Ward 4 City Councillor Jerry Ryan.  He also stated that the 4-way stop intersection at Grove Street and Harmony Grove Road is confusing and should be looked at.  Rosemary O’Connor stated that Lieutenant Robert Preczewski is planning to recommend a 3-way permanent stop.  The 4-way stop was a 90 day trial period.  She also believes that a flashing traffic light and/or barrels will flashing lights should be located at this intersection.

Jim Moskovis noted that Flint Street is a problem as well.  Rosemary O’Connor’s preference is making it a one-way.

Lastly, Jim Moskovis noted that the stop sign at Valley Street and Parlee Street had been removed following the conclusion of the trial period.   

Jim Rose mentioned that Canal Street and Leggs Hill Road are problem areas in terms of traffic and speeding.

General Updates
Jason reported that there was a meeting held relative to the Franklin Street odor issue that has been mentioned at prior meetings.  City officials, Ward 6 Councillor Prevey and neighbors attended to discuss the issue and maintain processes to address the issue when it occurs.  Jason said that following the meeting he thought that neighbors were satisfied with the City’s efforts to resolve the issue and would continue to be in contact with each other if problems arose.

Leslie Limon has outstanding questions related to this issue that she would like answered.

Jason also reported on the Universal Steel property.  There is an escrow account and expendable trust in place.  The former owners have gone bankrupt and the cost of cleanup far exceeds the value of the property.  Taxes are owed and City could take it but is concerned with clean-up costs.  Before and if the City takes the property, there needs to be a plan in place to remediate the site.

The expendable trust can be used for “Response Actions” at the site.  We are currently trying to determine whether the trust funding can be used to demolish the current building and what other activities are eligible for funding through the trust.  

At present, DEP is working to address both the security concerns at the site and gain a better understanding of the additional assessment work that is necessary.  The site security is being addressed as quickly as possible.

It is the City’s hope that the expendable trust can be used for these site activities and help remediate the site.

Jason reported that Mack Park Neighborhood Association’s website is now posted on under NIAC’s page and any other neighborhood group with a website is welcome to have their web address posted.

Leslie Limon requested that Furlong Park/Ferris Property be included on a future NIAC agenda.

Meeting adjourned.

Meeting minutes by Jason Silva